Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Van Again

The vent control on the van had stopped working some weeks ago but with the coming of cold weather I decided it was time to replace the positioning motor that is used to direct where the flow of air is to go. When I was replacing the fan motor some time back I had noticed the control motor being located under the duct work which was great because I wouldn't have to dismantle the dash as I have had to do on other cars.

I had to start with removing the trim
that surrounds the cd player since
it covered the access to the motor at the back.

The motor is located behind the vent
outlet that can be seen in this photo.

Location of the drive motor
that I had seen before.

In order to remove
the motor I had to move over to the drivers
side to remove the screws and I found this.

A second positioning motor.
So which one is the source of my problem?
I turned on the ignition and moved the switch
that tells the motor where to go. Turns out that
this motor controls windshield, dash
and floorboard air flow direction.

The other motor controls heat and cool.

I do not know why but when I tested which motor was bad guess what, both motors now work....

Not my job to figure out why, I just put it all back together again. Now if I could just figure out why I get a phantom check engine light that has no error code.

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