Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Little Stuff

Family matters first. Larina discovered her shadow for the first time last night, it took me awhile to figure out what was both fascinating her and scaring her a little at the same time. The boys have reached the age where they are getting to big to be kids now but at the same time they lack the maturity of an adolescent. Constant fighting and rowdy rough play. Paxton learned to walk well last week at age 11 months. The amazing thing is he can already stand up in the middle of a room an act that usually requires an additional 2 or 3 weeks to master.

The rain continues and both forks of the Trinity river are starting to flow out of their banks with more rain to come. There were two little girls 2 and 4 I think and their grandmother drown last week when a flood came through Gainesville sweeping away the trailer they were in.

Well other than the day to day grind thats it for today.

Luv ya my daughter.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Day at the park.

Well yesterday was a big day for the kids. Called Brennen and arranged to meet him Jessie, Landon, Daniel and Paxton at the Mound Elementary play ground. It’s been cloudy and rainy around here all week which made for some interesting times at the play ground. Shenzi went too of course and she had as much fun as the kids did. Shenzi was well behaved and did not run off. I have videos as well but with a land line it takes to long to upload so I’ll burn them on to a CD and send it along to you. Larina has no fear of anything, mom thinks its because she wants to do what the boys do and doesn’t think about what she is really doing. So on with the picture show.

Well I'm having some trouble with this blog so what you see is what you get. Sorry

Tyler after Terabitia

Chase swinging Larina and picking her flowers.

Packman with dad at the park.

Chase Tyler

Larina was asleep when we got

there I put her on a blanket took

about 5 seconds to figure out

where she was.

Jesse, Brennen, Paxton and Larina.

Daniel, Landon and Chase.

Tyler’s it.

Shenzi needed a break didn’t last long.

I ain’t goin and you can’t make me.

Enough of the small fry

stuff I want the big slide.


Shenzi and her new friends.

If the boys can walk this thing so can I!

Landon giving Larina a helping hand.

I could have done without Brennen’s foot.

Larina clean. Larina not so clean.

Also the boys talked me into getting Terabithia with their allowance and it had them crying at the end.

Speaking of which.

The End

Monday, June 18, 2007

Adventures In Hair Cuts

Larina got her first real trip to the house of hair cuts Saturday morning. Robin decided that I needed one too, so off we went to Faye's killing tho birds with one stone.

Larina wanted nothing to do with
that bed sheet around her neck.

She's still not sure about all this.

But a sucker for me
to just sit here hmmmm.

Sucker or not this can't be fun.

Grandma distracts me.

Coming into the home stretch.

Nobody said anything about
sweeping me with a broom.

As always lots of hugs for Shenzi

The boys spent the weekend with Craig. Larina has developed a new habit of coming into our room at around 5:30 am and making some noise to wake grandma so she can climb into bed with us and spend the rest of the night there.

As for the building next door work there has had to stop due to rain again, rain is in the forecast for the next 5 days or so. Larina mom and I made a trip to Covington and looked at the restaurant that is being worked on by the folks who bought the equipment from me. I wish them well they have a tough row to hoe. I will be posting them in the In and Around blog sometime this week.

And so until next time keep your piece clean and your socks dry.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Just Another Day

Rain all morning so got caught up on some building stuff worked on kitchen some more. Made a trip to the bank and took the kids to CiCi's pizza heartburn all the way. Made a run to Lowe's and looked at stainless sinks need cheap and deep. Sink $88 counter top $11 next week maybe I'll get'r done.

Shenzi figured out how to escape found her wondering around the property when we got home and cookie came over looking for some help installing a new storm door spent about an hour putting that in. Made 20 bucks who who!

Craig gets the boys at around 7 this evening and we are going out to eat with Brennen and Jessie.

Enlarge the image and you can see that Paxton had a great time at grandpas place. This was while he spent 5 days over here with me while Jessie went to her grandfathers funeral. Paxton is walking now not quite a year yet.

Thats it for today.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hard Days Work

Well back over to the building next door. Trying to break Larina of the bottle and she's fighting it every inch of the way. Had to quit on the building due to rain.

End of a hard days work.
(Click on images for enlargement)

The building at start that morning.

Sunset the other evening