Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Busy Day

Well I sold most of the equipment from the burger joint and spent a goodly part of the day putting a working kitchen back together in order to fix the daily meals.

Robin took Chase to see the pulmonlogist and got the report after the test that his lungs are in the best shape that the doctor has seen in the last 4 years. The Immuno Guard is working.

The evening was spent getting a new set of hot plates for the kitchen and we took the kids to Bruams for ice cream and then to the park to play. Larina went nuts on the place, no diaper bag so had to cut it off early and go home. Changed her diaper and played red light green light with the boys while Larina ate green grapes. She came over when she was through and played the game too but got pooped and said it was time to go in and catch a nap. Was not time for bed yet so we watched True Lies the boys have never seen this movie and really got off on it. Movie ends and its off to bed for us all.

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