Monday, June 18, 2007

Adventures In Hair Cuts

Larina got her first real trip to the house of hair cuts Saturday morning. Robin decided that I needed one too, so off we went to Faye's killing tho birds with one stone.

Larina wanted nothing to do with
that bed sheet around her neck.

She's still not sure about all this.

But a sucker for me
to just sit here hmmmm.

Sucker or not this can't be fun.

Grandma distracts me.

Coming into the home stretch.

Nobody said anything about
sweeping me with a broom.

As always lots of hugs for Shenzi

The boys spent the weekend with Craig. Larina has developed a new habit of coming into our room at around 5:30 am and making some noise to wake grandma so she can climb into bed with us and spend the rest of the night there.

As for the building next door work there has had to stop due to rain again, rain is in the forecast for the next 5 days or so. Larina mom and I made a trip to Covington and looked at the restaurant that is being worked on by the folks who bought the equipment from me. I wish them well they have a tough row to hoe. I will be posting them in the In and Around blog sometime this week.

And so until next time keep your piece clean and your socks dry.

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