Monday, June 11, 2007

Building next door

Well we started the refit on the outside of the building next door. The boys got tired of hauling the boards around back so I let them start pulling boards off. Larina gets tired quick when we work over there so I took the pack and play over for her to nap in. I forgot to take the camera but I will definitely remember for tomorrow. The boys were supposed to put the boards on the burn pile behind the building after I called it a day I strolled around back and found boards scattered everywhere. Well I guess that will be their first project tomorrow. We had Paxton at the house from 4:30 Tuesday till 5:00 pm Sunday it was to say the least a busy week and got nothing done.

Larina likes to use Chenzi as a pillow to sleep on. Logan's on line but hes stuck up and won't IM me back.

Rubba Dud Dub Larina's in the tub.

Well thats it for today I'm tired from this mornings fun.


Unknown said...

Well dad,

I must say that I absolutely lookforward to checking on this atleast every other night. Even if there is nothing new. I love this. Thank you.

Sister Sue

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.